The Voices Are Real – and the shirts are real too

The Voices are Real TeeThe Voices are Real – and now the shirts are real too.

So real, in fact, that you can wear one.

Exclusive limited edition and designed by voices.

Let your voice speak through your shirt. Break the ice and start new conversations about the wonder, mystery and diversity of what it really means to experience being human.

The Voices Are Real is a simple message of compassion and a declaration of solidarity with those who have lived their lives having their experience denied them.

Support and join us in breaking through taboo and making it easier to begin new conversations about difficult human experiences – like when we hear voices that others don’t – that we might begin healing the wounds we can each bear from living in this world.

Each Tee you buy gifts us a small amount to help cover our modest costs in running our website, sharing information and resources and supporting individuals, families and communities in starting new conversations – but of course, it says a whole lot more too.

Thank you. 

The Shirts are Real too…

These shirts are designed by voices and available now in a limited edition.
Choose from:

  • Three styles: unisex and women’s fit tees, and a unisex long-sleeve
  • Range of sizes
  • Limited range of groovy, voice-appropriate, voice-approved  colours.


Order yours now…

Orders are fulfilled direct through Teespring operations by using the link below.

To order via Teespring ...


THE Voices are Real and the shirts are real too


Who hears voices?

  • At least 4% of us hear voices on a regular basis
  • Three-in-four of us will at least once, often around difficult life experiences like the loss of a loved one.
  • Many, many writers, musicians and artists – likely including a few of your favorites and many who have given credit to their voices for helping them in their work.
  • 58% of medical students – according to one study.
  • Many historical figures including least one or two Prime Ministers.
  • In some cultures, hearing voices is highly revered and in others it is the people who don’t hear voices and don’t talk about it who who are the ones others become concerned about.

If you haven’t yet then you – or someone you know – probably will one day. Research shows it is a surprisingly common experience and that the majority of people who do or have find it benefits them in some way.

We don’t hear about that because we’ve made it a taboo – something we can’t talk about.

So let’s start talking about it.


Struggling alone is no way to struggle

This means people who struggle become isolated and so come to struggle even more.

When a person does struggle the difficulty they have is, invariably, understandable in simple terms when taken in context of their whole life – particularly, in relation with difficult experiences and any feelings of disconnection and powerlessness that can result. Learning to live with voices can actually help decipher and unlock that pain.

The first thing we can all do is accept the experience as real – hence why we say The Voices Are Real and offer a sense of hope.  If we can steal ourselves do that we can start to really listen, and we might surprise ourselves how we can begin to understand the struggle a person might be experiencing.

We aim to support individuals, families and communities in empowering themselves to start a new kind of conversations around difficult human experiences and healing the wounds we might bear from living in this world.

We are proudly part of the Hearing Voices Network a global community.



About recoverynetwork:Toronto

We believe people can and do recover from "mental illness" - because we are living it. We believe in the power of supporting each other: learning from and with each other. You are welcome to join us..
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18 Responses to The Voices Are Real – and the shirts are real too

  1. bertabritz says:

    Great shirt & explanation for opening conversation!


  2. Loreen Lee says:

    An original pride day rainbow shirt:???? whoot! women’s organic scoop neck:) ?? Who ‘knows’!!


  3. Loreen Lee says:

    Organic reply! Yes. I’m not ready yet for anything orgasmic – I don’t have ‘the words’!!!! 🙂 I was merely ‘listening to the ‘voices”…..:)


  4. wilowispaperio says:

    whoot! women’s organic scoop neck 🙂


  5. Loreen Lee says:

    I under-stand. Your’ words are not ‘above’ me!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loreen Lee says:

    My apologies for not correcting the typos. I shall endeavor to correct this, if or when there are future postings. (It IS important to pay attention to those voices, as this example demonstrates!!).


  7. Loreen Lee says:

    There are so many different ‘contexts’ in which what is referred to as voices’ can be given. In music, the different parts that run concurrently through a piece of music are called ‘voices’. A soprano voice, an alto voice, as well as baritone, bass, and others perhaps without names, and as in the social composition of voices within society, some are more clearly heard than others. Then, as mentioned, the artist will speak of the voices as the dialogue he imagines within his mind as he writes his masterpiece. In many of these examples, the voices are not heard. is it not possible that those who deny the concept, could perhaps not be fully conscious of any on-going dialogue within their mind. We, as humans, are called sapient beings because of the existence of a reflective, which indeed sometimes can also be referred to as a self-referential consciousness. Possibly, as a hypothesis, within the later state of consciousness these two elements within the mind, are not distinguishes sufficiently, and thus the ruminations, thoughts, of mind are not observed. It can be the case however, that a person can be constantly aware of such thought processes. That indeed is something that can be found philosophically, something to strive for, for may I suggest such thought process, although they can reflect negativity interpretations of external reality, or a consequences memory and imagination, and/or the interplay between them, they can also be the means to develop one critical thinking respect to the dilemmas one find within life experience. Think it out – they say. Contemplate.


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