I’ve always been a creative person… Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga talking on The Graham Norton Show about how she harnesses her voices to inspire her creativity…

lady gaga

Short Clip [45sec]

Full episode [37min]

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2 Responses to I’ve always been a creative person… Lady Gaga

  1. sarahkreece says:

    Reblogged this on Holding my childhood to ransom and commented:
    Irregardless of your musical tastes, I find this inspiring. She’s not the first artist of whom I’ve thought – if they had turned up in the mental health system at 16, we would have lost them. They found art instead, where it’s okay to be mad! It’s not just okay – it’s perfectly acceptable to not only suffer from madness, but also to use it to every advantage you possibly can. These are the stories I think of as a peer worker when I feel that the script I’ve been given is “Don’t be afraid, reach out for help, get a diagnosis, learn about your condition, you can recover” – and what I actually want to say is “RUN. Never walk into a room you are not sure you’ll be able to walk out of. Learn, but do it secretly, in libraries, online. Don’t let anyone tell you what’s wrong with you, and don’t let anyone save you. Find your tribe.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. … Most LOLs in a long time. Isn’t Lady Gaga neat 🙂


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